Medical Malpractice

Have you or a loved one suffered injury from medical malpractice? At The Dash Cam Lawyer® in Lake Worth and Belle Glade, FL, attorney Shannon Sagan will assist in determining whether you have a medical malpractice case as well as help pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

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What Is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice is the medically negligent action of a physician, nurse, administrator, or other medical staff members who preside over your course of care. You do not have a basis for a medical malpractice lawsuit without negligence, which means that you do not have a case simply because a procedure or treatment was unsuccessful.

Medical experts sometimes make mistakes that can harm the patient. You could have a case if a medical professional’s decisions or mistakes lead to further harm.

At The Dash Cam Lawyer®, we research each case to determine if the doctor’s or hospital’s actions were medically negligent to warrant a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Common Medical Malpractice Injuries

A bustling medical facility can be hectic, and even experienced medical workers can make mistakes. Unfortunately, it can mean higher medical bills and injuries to be on the receiving end of one of these mistakes. Some common medical malpractice injuries include:

  • Birth injury
  • Medication mistakes
  • Misdiagnosis of Disease (such as Cancer)
  • Improper handling of lab results
  • Improper rehabilitation or post-procedural care
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Inaccurate patient history
  • Errors during surgery 
  • Unnecessary procedures
  • Improper orders for testing
  • Infection during a hospital stay (MRSA, staph, etc.)

Any mistake, misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose, or other injury resulting from your medical care could lead to longer hospital stays and higher medical bills. A 2019 meta-analysis of studies on patient harm published by Maria Panagioti and colleagues at the University of Manchester (U.K.) compiled data from 70 international studies to determine that, on average, the rate for preventable patient harm was 6%.

Proving Medical Malpractice Caused Your Injury

While the statistics for jury trials in medical malpractice cases aren’t hopeful, those statistics do not account for lawsuits that settle out of court. 

At The Dash Cam Lawyer®, we can help you evaluate and determine if you can legally pursue full compensation for your economic damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and future medical care costs as a result of medical malpractice. You may also be able to pursue non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, anxiety, disfigurement, or stress disorders caused by your injuries.

To prove a malpractice case, you need evidence to demonstrate that the professionals in charge of your care were medically negligent. Contact our law firm today to have medical malpractice lawyer Shannon Sagan review your case.

Contact Our Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Call attorney Shannon J. Sagan today at 561-DASHCAM or contact us online to schedule your free case evaluation.

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    Lake Worth Office

    3003 S. Congress Ave,
    Suite 2E, Palm Springs, FL 33461

    Belle Glade Office

    1100 South Main Street,
    Belle Glade, FL 33430

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