*Results may vary
Some of our recent case results:

$110,000.00 – Auto Accident causing injuries to neck and back.
$106,667.00 – Rear End Auto Accident causing injuries to neck, back, lower extremities.
$60,000.00 – Auto Accident resulting in injuries to neck and back.
$80,000.00 – Auto Accident resulting in injury to neck, mid and low back.
$60,000.00 – Slip and Fall at major department store with injury to shoulder, fortunately the client did not need surgery.
$62,279.33 – Auto accident involving an elderly client which caused aggravation to pre-existing injuries to his spine.
$85,000.00 – Auto Accident involving an elderly client causing injury of the shoulder and aggravation of a pre-existing injury.
$65,000.00 – Auto Accident injury causing an aggravation to a previous injury of the low back.
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